Wellness Funds


Wellness Funds are for non-profit groups working to improve health in their communities and must address the health priorities identified by the Community Health Boards (CHBs) in their current community health plan.  Wellness Funds support a health promotion or population health based approach to wellness.  This model seeks to maintain and improve the health of people and the communities in which they live through partnerships, and by addressing those aspects of a person’s life that determine their health.

Wellness Funds are intended to support the implementation of the CHB Community Health Plan recommendations by funding local community projects that use a population health approach, addressing the Social Determinants of Health, such as income, education, social supports, early childhood development, etc. To see the most recent CHB Community Health Plans, click here.

The application process has moved to an online format. To register and apply, please click here:

To choose the language, English or French, in which you wish to apply, please click on the language tab at the top right of this page – EN or FR-CA.

If you require support to apply online, please contact your local CHB Coordinator.


See our helpful graphic describing our process below.

  • Late applications will not be accepted. 

  • Applications are assessed and reviewed by the CHBs in May and June.

  • Recipients have twelve months to complete project from the day the Wellness Fund Contract is signed and the cheque has been delivered.  

It is important to note that, applicants will be expected to sign funding contracts before funding is disbursed and a final report with receipts will be due upon project completion.

Should a project not be able to spend their funds as intended, they may request in writing, using the Change of Grant Request form, for a change in their project.  CHBs will decide on a case-by-case basis if the change is granted.  CHBs who do not grant the request shall ask for the return of the grant funds.   

Fonds pour le mieux-être

Le Fonds pour le mieux-être est destiné aux groupes à but non lucratif travaillant à améliorer la santé dans leur localité. Il répond aux priorités établies par les Conseils communautaires de santé (CCS) dans leur plan de santé. Le Fonds pour le mieux-être appuie les stratégies axées sur la promotion de la santé ou la santé de la population pour aider à prévenir les maladies. Il vise à maintenir et à améliorer la santé des personnes et des communautés, grâce à des partenariats et en ciblant ce qui détermine la santé d’une personne.

Le Fonds pour le mieux-être vise à faciliter la mise en œuvre des recommandations du plan de santé communautaire des CCS en finançant des projets locaux reposant sur une stratégie liée à la santé de la population, en ciblant les déterminants sociaux de la santé, comme le revenu, le niveau d’éducation, les soutiens sociaux, le développement de la petite enfance, etc. Pour consulter les derniers plans de santé communautaire, cliquez ici.

  • Pour consulter les Lignes directrices et la FAQ afin d’en savoir plus sur le Fonds pour le mieux-être, le processus et les exigences à remplir, cliquez ici.

  • Avant d’envoyer votre demande, nous vous recommandons vivement de vous adresser au coordonnateur de votre CCS. Pour trouver le coordonnateur de votre CCS, cliquez ici.

  • Visionnez cette session d’information du Fonds de bien-être : https://vimeo.com/929960611/cb29470839?share=copy

Cette année, le processus de demande se fait en ligne. Pour vous inscrire et faire une demande, cliquez ici :

Pour choisir la langue, Français ou Anglais, dans laquelle vous désirez faire demande, veuillez cliquer sur l’onglet en haut à droite de cette page – FR-CA ou EN.

Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour faire une demande en ligne, veuillez vous adresser au coordonnateur de votre CCS.


Voir le graphique ci-dessous.


Pour connaître le CCS auprès duquel vous devez faire votre demande, cliquez sur les boutons ci-dessous :

CCS de la zone Centre

CCS de la zone Est

CCS de la zone Nord

CCS de la zone Ouest

  • Les demandes envoyées en retard ne seront pas acceptées.

  • Les CCS évalueront les demandes en mai et juin.

  • Les bénéficiaires disposeront de douze mois pour mener leur projet à bien, à compter de la date de la signature du contrat et de la réception du chèque.

Les demandeurs devront signer un contrat de financement avant le versement des fonds, ainsi qu’envoyer un rapport accompagné des reçus une fois le projet terminé.

Tout groupe qui n’est pas en mesure de dépenser ses fonds comme prévu peut demander une modification de son projet à l’aide du formulaire correspondant.  Les CCS évalueront les demandes de modification au cas par cas.  Lorsqu’une demande de modification sera refusée, le demandeur concerné devra restituer les fonds.

Previously Funded Projects:

Projects funded in 2023/2024 process:

Western Zone Eastern Zone Central Zone Northern Zone

See below for articles on how Wellness Funds have been used in community:

·         People Power: NS strong communities making province healthier one project at a time.

·         Beyond Nutrition: Elementary school students learn more than just meal preparation skills at Brown Bag Lunch Program.

Community residents of all ages come together to build Washer Toss boxes in Londonderry.

Community residents of all ages come together to build Washer Toss boxes in Londonderry.

Washer Toss in Londonderry

What project can multiple generations build and then have fun using all year round?

This was a challenge accepted and completed by the Londonderry Community Council last year. The community group wanted a fun physical activity that that folks of all ages and abilities could play. They decided upon washer toss (a popular game in the Maritimes) and began to make it a reality.  The group applied to the Along the Shore Community Health Board for a Wellness Fund Grant. The community health board saw how an activity like this could improve health and support an active lifestyle.  It could provide the place and time for this fun and social activity, so they provided the funds requested for the project.

The day of the “build” brought a variety of residents of all ages and of all skills together!

The planning team also ensured that this activity could happen indoors in the winter by purchasing protective surfaces for the walls and floor of the community centre. Now the community has a fun and rewarding activity that is offered in their own community. Washer toss anyone?

Londonderry Playforest

Londonderry Playforest

Playing Along

Whether you are 3 or 93, finding a place to play is important! Play is important to both these ages for similar reasons of development…besides being fun! According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2007), play “allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength.” But just because you are an adult, doesn’t mean you should stop developing these traits! One definition of play is to “truly engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.” Hopefully, we can embrace play as a lifelong activity and find enjoyment in multiple, varied activities.

Residents of the Along the Shore area are fortunate to have many opportunities to play. The local Along the Shore Community Health Board (CHB) has helped to create the Londonderry Playforest.